Monday, November 10, 2014

Glorious Triumph

Proverbs 28:12

When the righteous triumph, there is great glory,
but when the wicked rise, people hide themselves.

When the righteous triumph, it results in good being accomplished for others. A righteous ruler is a good ruler who blesses his people. Contrariwise, when the wicked rise to leadership, then trouble goes forth. The wicked ruler uses his power to oppress, to take advantage of others for his own gain.

As Jesus said, a person is known by his fruit. This is all the more evident in a leader. The less power, the less harm one does. But as a person rises in power, so the consequences of his actions - both good and bad - have a wider effect on others.

So we see this played out spiritually. Satan, the Prince of the World, has a deadly reign, bringing despair and death through his rule. And yet, we glory in the triumph of our King Jesus Christ who has triumphed over him, over sin, and over death. What glory, what joy flows from the triumph of our righteous King.

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