Monday, December 22, 2014

The Poor and Security

Proverbs 29:14

If a king faithfully judges the poor,
his throne will be established forever.

There is a consistent message throughout the Bible that the measure of a person's integrity, of his faith even, is found in the way he treats the poor. God hates the oppression of the poor; indeed, he is their defender against oppressors. The righteous person is one who gives to the poor and, as noted here, a righteous king is one who treats the poor with justice.

How are we to measure those in authority? Consider their attitude towards the poor. How are we to measure ourselves? What is our attitude? Are we concerned that the poor receive justice? Are we desirous to extend mercy?

Note the result of faithfully judging the poor. The king's throne is made all the more secure. This seems to go against logic. For every ruler and politician knows that it is by giving attention to the rich and the powerful that a position is made secure. Rocking the boat by being attentive to the poor places one in a precarious position. But the proverb is not considering how to secure favor with the affluent, but with God. For it is God who secures a throne, God who raises and brings down princes. It is God who gives life and takes it away. Follow the heart of God who cares for the poor. Only then can one know eternal security.

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