Tuesday, April 21, 2015

There's Danger Out There!

This is an article  Rev. Marion Clark wrote for the Eatonton Messanger. It was publish in the April 9, 2015 edition.

It started humorously – just a little snake in the bathroom. With a broom I swept it into a dust pan and then dropped it outside away from the church building. The mistake was taking a picture and posting it on my blog. “Let me tell you my snake story!” There was the rattlesnake in the driveway; the copperhead by the front door; the snake at the bottom of the ladder; the snake in the living room. And then the well-intentioned cautions – do not walk on the roads at night nor, for that matter, anywhere at night; don’t go into the woods. Be careful stepping into a boat and look carefully before diving into a pool. Snakes are either sunning themselves in our driveways or hiding in our bushes. Okay, I will only drive, even to go to my mailbox. Then I will be safe – except for deer. Snake stories are only outnumbered by deer stories. “I’ve hit one deer”; “I’ve hit two deer”; “I’ve hit three!” They are everywhere – in the gated communities, in the rural areas, in the shopping areas. They are waiting for the unsuspecting driver to make their mad dash across the road. I see them early in the morning and always at night. One or two have crossed in front of me, but I saw them first. Yet I know that it is only a matter of time… Meanwhile, I will be alert for wild pigs, foxes, ’possums, raccoons, and most dangerous of all – the wild flying golf ball. Old-timers tell me that it makes a deep-throated sound, something like “fore-fore.” They are usually found near golf courses, though they avoid the open areas. Twice the wise king Solomon wrote, “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.” I think I might go hide out for a while in the living room; I’m not into suffering. No, wait. That’s where one of the snakes was found! ~~~~~~~ The Rev. Marion Clark is pastor of Lake Oconee Presbyterian Church, 113 Scott Road in Putnam County.

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