Monday, April 20, 2015


I am back in the church, and, as expected, the church is in chaos.

Actually, it is my church office that is in chaos. Boxes of books (my precious beloved books) take up most of the floor space, the culmination of a whirlwind journey to Philadelphia and back. I flew out Wednesday morning (thanks to the chauffeuring services of Karol Meyer who drove me and Ginger to the Atlanta airport during rush hour traffic). I arrived at 1:00, picked up a U-Haul truck, and by 3:00 began to load. With the help of friends, packing was completed by 7:00, I hit the road at 8:30 and drove mostly through the night. Then with help here (Robbie McNeil, Harold Sowell, Russell Puppe, George Rountree, Fred Davis, John Meyer, and Ken Johnson; Barb Rountree and Ginger provided lunch) unloaded most of the belongings in a storage unit, the books in my offices, and the rest in our new home.

Now where did I put my South Carolina cap? Oh no, I left it in Texas!

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