Sunday's sermon.
Jonah 3:1-9
I can remember the moment when I learned one of my most
significant spiritual lessons. I was sitting on the pulpit platform at Tenth
Presbyterian Church. James Boice was preaching. He asked the question, “Do you
know what God wants?” (Why, yes, I did want to know.) He wants to be believed.
I could have learned that lesson earlier if I had paid attention to the
response of the Ninevites to Jonah’s preaching.
Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time,
saying, 2 “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against
it the message that I tell you.”
Much is made by
commentators of the Lord giving Jonah a second chance. I suppose it can be
considered gracious of God to give his servant another opportunity to serve. It
seems to me, though, that the Lord is simply throwing Jonah back into the
assignment he had tried to get away from. No one can flee the presence of the
Lord, and no servant can forsake the assignment he has been given. God’s will
will be done. So, Jonah, get to it!
3 So
Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly
great city, three days' journey in breadth. 4 Jonah began to go
into the city, going a day's journey. And he called out, “Yet forty days, and
Nineveh shall be overthrown!”
Let’s recall Jonah’s
original assignment: “Arise,
go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has
come up before me.” Jonah’s message was to be one of doom.
The evil of the city has come up before God. He was not ignorant of it before,
but, rather, the city’s sin had reached such a grievous point that destruction
was now called for. And so, Jonah proclaims its imminent overthrow – forty
Then the
extraordinary happens.
5 And
the people of Nineveh believed God. They called for a fast and put on
sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them.
The Ninevites
actually believe Jonah! He probably is in some kind of marketplace where people
would be going about their business. He is a foreigner, and if dressed like
many Hebrew prophets, has the appearance of a poor, eccentric man. He cries out
the end is near, and, for whatever reason, the cosmopolitans stop what they are
doing, listen to him, and are cut to the quick.
The comparison for us
would be that of an eccentric looking man standing on a crate in Times Square
preaching with his bull horn that God is about to send down judgment, and all
the shoppers, the store keepers, the streetwise walkers, everyone – stop,
gather round, and begin to wail. It is no less than a miracle, as difficult to
believe as a man being swallowed by a large fish and living. In minutes a video
would have been made and gone viral!
But let’s back up.
The wording is not that the Ninevites believed Jonah, but that they believed
God. The ancients were not atheists; they were polytheists. They believed that
there were seers and oracles who spoke for the gods. Here they accept Jonah as
a prophet who is the mouthpiece of God.
They believe God that
he will carry out his judgment. They then engage in a formal act of mourning.
They call for a fast and the wearing of sackcloth. Perhaps this is done
spontaneously, but I suspect the next verses give the details of how this was
carried out.
6 The
word reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his
robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. 7 And
he issued a proclamation and published through Nineveh, “By the decree of the
king and his nobles: Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything.
Let them not feed or drink water, 8 but let man and beast be
covered with sackcloth, and let them call out mightily to God.
So everyone engages
in fasting and the wearing of sackcloth. The king sits in ashes, which likely
meant everyone else did the same. These are formal acts of mourning and
contrition. The people did not lose their appetite. They practiced fasting to
demonstrate their grief. They did not lose interest in their clothes. They wore
coarse clothing to display their repentance. The same with sitting in or
covering themselves with ashes.
There are notable
participants in these acts. The first is the king himself. The mighty ruler of
the Assyrian empire humbles himself. Before his subjects, he subjects himself
before the god of Jonah. As the fear of God entered into the mariners, so the
fear of God entered into him. He then exercises his authority to command the
same response of all the city, which leads to the peculiar participants – the
cattle and the sheep.
The animals were also
to fast and wear sackcloth. There are a handful of references to animals being
included in mourning rituals but nothing quite like this. Even so, it is not so
unreasonable an idea. For one, thing it re-enforces the display of mourning,
indicating that daily life was not simply to go on as before. The outward
display of all living things in the city was to be that of mourning. The king
meant business when he called the city to put on a show of grief. Another
reason might be acknowledge that all living things in the city were coming
under destruction. Whoever and whatever was in the city would receive the same
sentence of doom.
So far we have spoken
of a display of mourning. But the king intended repentance as well.
Let everyone turn from his evil way and from
the violence that is in his hands. 9 Who knows? God may turn
and relent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we may not perish.”
“Let…turn” translates
the Hebrew word for repent. To repent is to turn away from sin, which, in this
case, includes violence. The hope of repentance is that God will see the change
of heart, or at least the change of behavior, and then hold off from carrying
out his intentions. Jonah did say that it would be forty days before the overthrow
of the city. Why delay the judgment if not to give opportunity for repentance?
We stop here and wait
until next week for the story to be continued. Meanwhile, what does this pagan
city and pagan have to teach us?
One must believe God
The first lesson is that the first step of
any right change is to believe God. I would even say that it is the critical
step to getting everything else right about our faith and to getting our lives
in order. We commonly speak of believing in
God. “Believe in God,” we urge others. When we are counseling fellow believers,
or even ourselves, we might ask, “Don’t you believe in God?” “Don’t you believe
in Jesus?”
Take out that preposition and now ask the
questions. “Don’t you believe God?” “Don’t you believe Jesus?” Do you see the
difference? Do you feel the difference? In particular, can you see how personal
it makes matters of faith and of religion?
For example, to reject the gospel is to
reject God. The unbeliever might protest that he would believe if he had enough
evidence that the gospel was true. He might contend that there is not enough
evidence for God’s existence. He cannot believe in something that has
not/cannot be proven. God begs to differ. He has spoken clearly in his Word
(special revelation), as well as given enough evidence through natural
revelation. According to God, unbelievers do not believe in him because they
will not believe him. They will not believe for pride. They can object, but God
does not believe them, and he holds them accountable for not believing him.
But we believers also need to believe God.
Over the years, Christian have come to me for counsel often worried about their
salvation. They wonder how they could be sure of their salvation given the sins
they continue to commit. “How can I be a Christian if I have…?” “How can I know
that God still accepts me or will accept me given that I…?” I take their
concerns seriously. Our sins ought to trouble us, and we ought to examine ourselves.
But if I determine that their faith is real and that they truly are under
conviction of the Holy Spirit, I will then ask my own questions: “Do you not
believe God?” “Do you believe that he will not fulfill his promises?” “Are you
saying that he is too weak?” “Are you saying that he is a liar?”
That typically has an impact. For understand
that however humble it may seem to question your salvation, if indeed you have
called upon Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior, you are ascribing untruthfulness to
the word of the very person whom you acknowledge as your Lord. It is well to
mourn over your sin; it is dishonorable to then doubt the truth and promises of
your Lord to have saved you. Jesus did say, “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I
will never cast out” (John 6:37). Will you have the audacity to contradict
It also works the other way. One can treat
the promises of God frivolously, ignoring his words of warning. Jesus addressed
such persons, “Not everyone who says to
me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the
will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). Such persons do not
come for counsel worried about their salvation. But the question is the same
for them: “Do you not believe God?” “ Do you choose what you will believe and
what you will discount?” “Do you think
that God will be understanding and forgiving of such an attitude?”
Whoever we are, whatever the circumstance,
we must all ask ourselves the question of whether or not we will believe God.
2. True
The king of Nineveh also teaches us what
true repentance looks like. Some confuse repentance with feeling sorry. To feel
sorry for sin and to mourn one’s disfavor with God is included in repentance
and is an essential ingredient. How many of us husbands have learned the hard
lessons that saying we are sorry is but one small step for mankind! Our wives
want to know if we really are sorry
or if we are merely trying to get them to stop being upset. God wants more than
show. He wants heartfelt sorrow for sin.
That is what the Ninevites were sincerely
trying to show. They believed God that he was going to punish them for their
sins. They were cut to the quick, and they immediately began to outwardly show
their sorrow for their sin, and most especially for the judgment about to fall
on them. But feeling sorry is not enough. There needs to be repentance, and
repentance for sin by definition means turning away from sin. That is why the
king exhorted his people to turn from their wicked ways and their violent sins.
This is the repentance that must be
proclaimed and taught to unbelievers. Spiritual conversion does not rest with
an intellectual consent that God exists or even that Jesus died for sins. There
are many who sit in churches because they have come to believe that
Christianity is a good religion to follow. They have sown their wild oats and
now are ready to settle down with a family and good moral teaching. They may
even own up to not being perfect and needing forgiveness to a measure. But they
are not convicted of being sinners liable to the just condemnation of a holy
God. They may feel bad at times that they are not as good as they should be;
they appreciate moral instruction to guide them, but they do not believe God
that their souls are in peril.
It is repentance, not the message that God
loves them that needs to be clearly proclaimed. It is the judgment that awaits
them, not the “your life will be more fulfilled” message that they need to hear
and respond to. They need to believe God and then repent of their sins. And
they repent of their sins by turning away from the path of unrighteousness and
following the Lord Jesus Christ along his path. They repent by turning away
from their self-efforts to turning toward the work of Jesus the Savior. They
repent of their actions and exercise faith in the actions of Jesus Christ. That
is true repentance.
And we believers need to do the same. We
have repented of our sins and professed faith in Jesus, and he has saved us. We
are in the family; we have gained our inheritance of eternal life. We can rest
in the promises of God. We can believe God to keep his word. Nevertheless, we
continually fall back into old ways. We fear the world and lose trust or
confidence in God to protect us. We envy the world and take on the world’s ways,
instead of seeking first the kingdom of God. We resent others who mistreat us
or gloat over us, instead of finding our peace in God’s acceptance. At times we
outright transgress the clear laws of God out of greed or lust or pride,
forgetting the riches that we have in Christ. Or we become self-righteous,
trusting in the law to earn our salvation instead of trusting solely in the
work of Christ. We depend on good activities such as church attendance and
following the Ten Commandments and doing good works to win God’s favor.
We need to repent of all these forms of sins
and sinful attitudes. We need continually to hear the gospel and repent of our
transgressions and of our self-righteousness. We need to repent – not because
God will forget his promises – but that we will re-awaken to the truths that he
has spoken in the gospel. We need to repent because without repentance we will
sink further into hypocrisy, not realizing that we have turned to trusting in
ourselves rather than trusting in our Lord. We need to repent so that we will give
our God the glory that is due his name.
3. Jesus’
Jesus also had an
application to make regarding Jonah and Nineveh.
the crowds were increasing, he began to say, “This generation is an evil generation. It seeks
for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah. 30 For as
Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be to this
generation. 31 The queen of the South
will rise up at the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them,
for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and
behold, something greater than Solomon is here. 32 The
men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn
it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater
than Jonah is here (Luke 11:29-32).
Something greater than Jonah was before the
people. That something was the Son of God. Jonah became a sign to the people of
Nineveh as a prophet warning them of the judgment of the Lord. When the Day of
Judgment arrives, they will point to the people of Israel who had the very Son
of God preach to them, and they will condemn such a generation that would not
hear. They heard and believed a prophet. As wicked as they were, they
nevertheless repented. And yet here are the covenant people of God refusing to
heed the teaching of the Son of God, the promised Anointed One.
The Jews of Jesus’ day will protest that
they did not know Jesus was the Son of God, the Messiah. They will argue that
they needed a sign from him to prove his authority from God. But the Ninevites
accepted Jonah, a lesser man, on face value. They – pagans that they were –
accepted the foreigner Jonah’s preaching as the word of God himself. And here
is one (Jesus) who came to his own people, and his people would not accept him.
Our generation is guilty of the same
rejection. I have listened to a preacher say that he could not understand what
the cross is about and that it did not matter what we believed Jesus was, all
the while his congregation smiled approvingly. He and they are but the product
of skepticism that has encroached into many churches that claim to be
Christian. I have listened to a preacher who upholds up all the claims of Jesus
and then reduces Jesus’ message of repentance to one of earthly prosperity. In
both cases, even unbelievers now can point to the emptiness and betrayal of the
gospel that these ministers are guilty of.
There was a doubter even among Jesus’
disciples. His name was Thomas, and he refused to believe that his Master rose
from the dead. When he beholds Jesus, he exclaims, “My Lord and my God.” It is
Jesus’ response that is intended for us. “Have
you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and
yet have believed” (John 14:29).
Believe God. Believe his message that he
will judge those who do not repent of their sins. Believe his gospel message
that he has sent his Son Jesus Christ, who has paid the penalty for our sins.
Believe Jesus when he says that whoever turns to him will not perish but will
have eternal life. In a world of competing claims and of vast skepticism,
believe something that is true – the gospel. Believe someone who does speak the
truth – believe Jesus Christ.
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