Proverbs 28:8
Whoever multiplies his wealth by interest and profit
gathers it for him who is generous to the poor.
The first line depicts the individual who charges interest to his poor neighbor who is in need. The neighbor perhaps needs money to buy seed for his crop or to purchase food. He is in a difficult circumstance and needs help for the moment to get by. The rich individual exploits that opportunity to increase his own wealth and charges his neighbor in the same way a commercial institution would charge clients.
The intent of such a person will be thwarted, so that he ends up supporting the wealth of another - the person who is generous to the poor. Compare this proverb with 11:24:
One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
another withholds what he should give,
and only suffers want.
God blesses generosity to the poor. He disapproves of the miser who withholds blessing to others, and punishes the oppressor who uses his wealth to exploit the poor. We can apply this to ourselves literally in how we use our money, which we should examine closely. Furthermore, apply this principle to how we use all that we possess - our time, our friendship, the gospel, etc. Is our focus on protecting what we have or being as generous as we can be? And if our focus is on self-protection, do we not easily cross the line into exploitation? We do favors expecting favors in return. We give, expecting to receive back. We calculate the investment we will receive in whatever we do.
There is only one investment that should be on our minds - investing in the pleasure of God. Seek first the kingdom and whatever else we may need will be provided.
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