Proverbs 28:7
The one who keeps the law is a son with understanding,
but a companion of gluttons shames his father.
Here is a contrast of two sons - the one who keeps the law and the one who is gluttonous. Note, though, the descriptions of the law keeper and the glutton. The former has understanding; the latter is a companion of gluttons, i.e. he is swayed easily by his worthless companions. This understanding, or lack of it, is at the heart of the father's pride in one and shame in the other as can be seen in Jesus' parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).
The younger son was reckless and squandered his money in gluttonous living. He eventually "came to himself," i.e. he came to his senses. He acquired understanding, which led him back to his father. The older son was a law keeper, yet also without understanding. He kept the law out of duty. That is good to do, but what the father really desired was a son who kept the law out of desire to please him; who kept the law because he understood how good the law was in blessing his life.
Keep the law, but with understanding. Understand that the law is summarized by the commandments to love God and to love one's neighbor. Understand that the law is good and that by keeping it you are blessing yourself. Then you will give your heavenly Father delight. Then he will not be shamed by either your hypocritical law-keeping nor your gluttony.
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