Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Wicked vs the Righteous Reign

Proverbs 28:28

When the wicked rise, people hide themselves,
but when they perish, the righteous increase.

When the wicked rise to power, people think in terms of protecting themselves. They hide; they take cover; they try not to draw attention to themselves, for they know that the wicked delight in mischief. The wicked think first if a person will benefit them; if not, then the wicked will be entertained by hurting that person. The wicked also are obsessed with looking for rivals. Anyone who gives the impression of being a rival is destroyed.

Interestingly, the proverb does not then give an exact comparison of what happens when the wicked perish. Instead of saying that people come out of hiding, it speaks of the righteous increasing. The argument is thus: Either the wicked or the righteous take power. As one rises, so the other must decrease. They cannot exist together. As the wicked perish, so the righteous increase, and so the people do come back out and flourish. They know that the righteous think first about the welfare of others. They know that the entertainment of the righteous is to see others happy. The righteous are obsessed with seeing that justice takes place.

What a difference in the atmosphere by which one lives. Under the wicked, the atmosphere is that of fear and distrust. Under the righteous, it is of peace and harmony. All the reason then to work for the rule of the righteous and to oppose the wicked, whether this be in the arena of government or business or other. All the reason then to give glory to our righteous King who reigns over us. All the reason to remember the hope we have of living in his everlasting kingdom to come.

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